The Cancer Prancer

Formerly prancing through life three disasters at a time. Now I am free! Prancing through life no disasters! Living life joyously, having shed the cancer shackle in exchange for fearlessness, intense love for self, family, community and the world without judgement. Practicing - rolling towards prowess spontaneously!

Inspire and Empower for meaningful self-growth and fierce self-love: Bravery, Strength and the Mindset that will set YOU free of the SHACKLE of being a cancer patient victim! I have walked the walk and have found MY way! Every person is an individual, A perfect snowflake of creation so let me share what has worked for me and what is currently IS working for me in my life and I have let go of most of it! Let me share with you what has worked for me and guide you along your walk of exploration, self-exploration with love and compassion, towards true healing, mind, body and soul. Are you in the doldrums because you have just been diagnosed with cancer? It could be one of the most traumatizing events in your life when your doctor pronounces the dreaded C word. You never imagined it would happen to you and that it’s already a part of your life. Who do you turn to for facts other than your physician? Who can offer you comfort and reassurance? There’s a high possibility you want to access motivation of all kinds. How about an online blog that outlines the journey of a real-life cancer survivor? It is a continuous series of blog posts that are updated regularly offering you with lived insight and inspiration.

GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer T-Shirt



Happy? National Cancer Survivors Day 2018

About the Cancer Prancer

Just diagnosed with cancer?


About Me

Hello! I am m the Cancer Prancer. AKA Dr. Trish Hom, MD, MPH. I have Stage 4 NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer). Four years in, I have finally taken back my life, my health and my healing! I feel confident I have made the right choices for myself.  I choose joy and freedom. I choose me. I got there through alternative means which was a long terrifying journey, peppered with happy, sad, and frustrating times.

But rest assured, I am one tough, curious, creative cookie who doesn’t give up! As I have always been this way, all throughout my life! 

I was diagnosed with Asian American Lung Cancer as Never Smoker patient unexpectedly on July 3, 2017, at the age of 35. It was three days after graduating from 4 years of challenging, stressful training becoming an OBGYN in LA County’s Safety Net System. 

Dr. Patricia Hom, MD, MPH

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